I help woman feel empowered and increase their self-love so they can live more intentionally and authentically.

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Hola, I’m your coach Juriana and I am delighted you are here!

Are you a woman of color?

In need of connection, intention, and love?

Searching for empowerment, courage, and growth?

Whether you’re struggling with your relationships, self, career, recovery of narcissistic abuse, and a mother wound, my goal is to help you take charge and transform your life.

In our coaching sessions together, I’ll help you improve your relationship with yourself, discover obstacles getting in the way, and take actionable steps toward your goals. All this while providing you a safe space and empathetic accountability.

I believe that all woman are beautiful and capable.

Todas las mujeres son bellas y capaces!

Ready to get started?

Book a free initial consultation below.

“Let go of who you think you're supposed to be and embrace who you are.”

-Brene Brown

Services Offered


Personal Coaching

Support Groups



Amor Merchandise

Beautiful T-shirts & hats with our Amor & Me logo.

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